Patient for Life
By Janice Crisp
When I came home from the hospital, I knew something was very wrong with my newborn Lauren. I was only 20 years old, but I knew to call the doctor when Lauren started vomiting violently. A barium x-ray, and both an upper and lower GI, showed her upper intestines were networked like a web. The only opening to her stomach was a hole the size of a pencil lead, which was why she couldn’t keep food down. At six days old, Lauren had major surgery to remove the connected tissue, resulting in an incision that ran from her chest to her navel. She was in the NICU for four weeks.
For two-and-a-half years, little Lauren threw up every time she ate. She struggled to maintain weight. When things got worse, our doctor referred us to Dr. Duncan Morton at Pediatric Surgical Associates.
Over time, the web grew back. Lauren’s duodenum swelled so much her appendix was located under her right breast. Everything was out of place. Surgery was again the only option to clear Lauren’s intestines, but a more permanent plan had to be put in place. In 1992, Dr. Morton created an intestinal bypass so Lauren could keep food down.
All during childhood, Lauren struggled with severe stomach pain, hypoglycemia and blind loop syndrome. She suffered frequent bouts of strep throat and mononucleosis. She was unable to attend traditional school with other children. Even so, she grew into a spunky and sweet young lady, committed to her faith and living life as fully as possible.
Today Lauren is happily married and has an adorable son, my grandbaby! Although pregnancy, labor and delivery were very challenging, it was all worth it. She still has issues with pain and illness, but her life and the life of her son has been such a blessing.
We know that Lauren may need another surgery at some point in her future. But we know, even as an adult Lauren can count on consultation from Dr. Morton. We’re patients for life.